H494set BEST BUY Complete H494 underwater light scene set by Hershey
Retail Price $169.95
Many different scenes can be created with this set of molds.
All scenes require you to purchase back H494A and one front attachment.
Either H494B(evergreen/wharf) or H494C(ice front).
When ordering accessories H499(seals) or H519(penquins) You must order H494AC to complete scene.
When ordering accessories H496 (sea otter) or H491(sea lions) You must order H494AB to complete scene.
When ordering accessories H495(kelp with fish) it is usually used with H494AB.
You can order individual parts below.
Your BEST BUY is to purchase H494ABC and all five accessories. (code 494 set)
You are purchasing a Plaster Mold for casting Ceramic Slip (Fired Product) or Li-Qua-Che (Non-Fired Product).