Call 479-750-3344 with your payment information to complete your order. Now taking orders for the Midwest Ceramic Show in 2025
H644 3 inserts-diorama Hershey Ceramic Molds
H653AB Forest Santa Diorama Hershey Ceramic Mold
H654ABC "Gifts of the Magi" Santa Diorama Hershey Ceramic Mold
H655ABC Snowman Light Diorama Hershey Ceramic Mold
H656ABC Angel Light Diorama w-nativity Hershey Ceramic Mold
H657ABC Scarecrow Diorama w-small scarecrow Hershey Ceramic Mold
H657ABD Scarecrow Diorama Pumpkin insert Hershey Ceramic Mold
H657BC Scarecrow Diorama w-small scarecrow Hershey Ceramic Mold
H657BD Scarecrow Diorama Pumpkin insert Hershey Ceramic Mold
H658AB Sea Captain Diorama w-Harbor Hershey Ceramic Mold
H661 Gingerbread Man Diorama Hershey Ceramic Molds
H662 Penquin Diorama Hershey Ceramic Mold
H663 Snowman Diorama Hershey Ceramic Mold
H664 Base only Hershey Ceramic Mold