Call 479-750-3344 with your payment information to complete your order. Now taking orders for the Midwest Ceramic Show in 2025
#2175 Great Blue Heron 6"
#2196 Pelican 6 1-4"
#2199 Manatee & Calf 6 1-4"
#2219 Killer Whale 5 1-2"
#2408 Otters Swimming 6 1-4"
#3043 Candleholder - Sea Turtle 4"
#3409 Penguin with Attitude with Legs Hanging Over 6"
#3410 Penguin with Attitude Standing 5"
#3411 Penguin with Attitude Laying on Back 6 1-2"
#3412 Penguin with Attitude Laying on Belly 6"
#3413 Penguin with Attitude Laying on Side 6"
#3414 Penguin with Attitude Two Together 6 1-4"