Call 479-750-3344 with your payment information to complete your order. Now taking orders for the Midwest Ceramic Show in 2025
#1582 Carousel Horses (5 in mold) 2" X 4 1-4"
#1606 Carousel - Reindeer to #1581 (4 in mold) 4 1-4" each
#2171 Rattlesnake 6"
#2328 Rock Base with Cactus 6"
#2765 Frog Laying 3 3-4"
#2771 Great Blue Heron 5 3-4"
#2796 Lily Pond (Small) - Accessory Mold: Lily Pads, 2 Water Plants, 1
#2806 Turtle for Pond 3 1-4"