Call 479-750-3344 with your payment information to complete your order. Now taking orders for the Midwest Ceramic Show in 2025
#1585 Cats-Birds-Rabbits (3 of each) 1" each
#1706 Small Cat - Persian 3"
#1707 Small Cat - Shorthair 3 1-2"
#1708 Small Cat - Longhair 3 1-2"
#1728 Large Cat - Persian 7"
#1729 Large Cat - Shorthair 8 1-2"
#1730 Large Cat - Longhair 7 1-2"
#1847 Stack of Kittens 9 1-2"
#1926 Stack - I (Heart) Cats 9 1-2"
#2511 Playing Cat 15" (Can be used as an Ash Catcher)
#2631 Kitty Sitting 4 1-4"
#2632 Kitty Playing, Rear Up 4 3-4"
#2633 Kitty Looking Up 4 1-4"
#2634 Kitty with 1 Paw Up 4 1-2"
#2635 Kitty Lying on Back 6"
#2636 Kitty Laying 4 1-4"
#2661 Kitty (Large) Playing 6 1-2"
#2702 Kitty Chiminea 7 1-4"
#2931 Tea Bag Holder - Kitty 4"
#3049 Candleholder - Cats 4"
#3321 Li'l Cat with Attitude (Standing) 3"
#3322 Li'l Cat with Attitude (Sleeping on Side) 3 1-4"
#3323 Li'l Cat with Attitude (Laying on Back) 3 1-4"
#3324 Li'l Cat with Attitude (laying on Belly) 3"