Call 479-750-3344 with your payment information to complete your order. Now taking orders for the Midwest Ceramic Show in 2025
#1802 Pumpkins with Attitude (3 in mold) 3" each
#1803 Pumpkins with Attitude (3 in mold) 3" each
#1804 Pumpkins with Attitude Hands & Feet 4 each
#2778 Attitude Frog Ornament Laying on Belly 3"
#2779 Attitude Frog Ornament Sitting Meditation Style 2 3-4"
#2780 Attitude Frog Ornament Laying on Back 3 1-4"
#2781 Attitude Frog Ornament (2 Sitting Together) 3 1-4"
#2782 Attitude Frog Ornament Sitting W Legs Hanging Over 3"
#2783 Attitude Frog Ornament Preparing to Leap 2 3-4"
#2978 Attitude Frog (Lg) Legs Hanging Over 6
#2981 Attitude Frog (Lg) Sitting Meditation Style 5
#3239 Turtle with Attitude Standing 5 1-2"
#3240 Turtle with Attitude on Back 6 3-4"
#3241 Turtle with Attitude Sitting (Leaning on Hand) 5 1-4"
#3242 Turtle with Attitude Laying on Side 6 1-2"
#3243 Turtle with Attitude Laying on Belly 6 1-2"
#3244 Turtle with Attitude (2 Together) 7 1-4"
#3288 Dragon with Attitude Standing 6 1-2"
#3289 Dragon with Attitude Laying on Side 7 1-2"
#3290 Dragon with Attitude Sitting Leg Over 6 3-4"
#3291 Dragon with Attitude Laying on Back 7 1-4"
#3292 Dragon with Attitude Laying on Belly 7"
#3293 Dragon with Attitude Two Together 7"
#3304 Small Attitude Turtle Standing - 3"