Call 479-750-3344 with your payment information to complete your order. Now taking orders for the Midwest Ceramic Show in 2025
#2153 Bluegill - Sunfish 6"
#2523 Striped Bass 8"
#2253 Freshwater Fish Magnets (6 in mold) 2 1-2" to 3 3-4"
#2384 Large Mouth Bass in Lily Pads 6 1-2"
#2141 Large Mouth Bass Wall Mount 11 1-2"
#2134 Trout 10 1-2"
#2271 Lg Mouth Bass (Small) 4"
#2265 Walleye 7 1-4"
#2159 Catfish 8"
#2152 Sailfish 9 3-4"
#2120 Large Mouth Bass 7 1-2"
#3044 Candleholder - Fishing Lures 4"
#3024 Candleholder - Large Mouth Bass 4"
#2927 Hoppy Fishing 3 1-4"
#2291 Sealife Ornament - Lg Mouth Bass 2 1-2"
#2248 Scroll - Fishing Basket 3 1-2"
#2202 Ornament - Santa Fishing on Pier 2 1-2"
#1901 Santa Fisherman 8 1-2"
#3285 Tea Bag Holder - Large Mouth Bass 4 1-4"
#2833 Artstone - Large Mouth Bass 7 1-2"