Call 479-750-3344 with your payment information to complete your order. Now taking orders for the Midwest Ceramic Show in 2025
# 2587 Pig - Magnets 2 3-4" each
#1035 Embroidery Hoop, Four Inch 5 1-4" X 5 1-4"
#1036 Embroidery Hoop, Five Inch 6 1-4" X 6 1-4"
#1038 Embroidery Hoop, Eight Inch 10" X 10"
#1039 Embroidery Hoop, Ten Inch 12 1-2" X 12 1-2"
#1040**Basket with Napkin 11"
#1040B Mold Part - Basket Only
#1040H Mold Part - Handle Only
#1043 Small Fruit - Cantalope 2 3-4" X 2 3-4"
#1044 Small Fruit - Coconut 2 1-2" X 3"
#1045 Small Fruit - Oranges 2" X 2" (3 in mold)
#1046 Small Fruit - Bananas 1" X 4" (3 in mold)
#1047 Small Fruit - Pears 3" (3 in mold)
#1048 Small Fruit - Plums 1 1-2" X 1 1-4" (3 in mold)
#1049 Small Fruit - Apples & Leaves 2" X 2" (3 in mold)
#1049A Mold Part - Apples Only (No Leaves)
#1050 Small Fruit - Strawberries 1-2" to 1" (10 in mold)
#1051 Small Fruit - Cherries 3-4" X 1" (8 in mold)
#1052 Small Fruit - Grapes 1 Bunch in a Mold 4" X 3 1-2"
#1054 Trick Or Treat Bag 3 1-2"
#1055 Small Fruit - Pineapple 6" X 3 1-2"
#1056 Small Fruit - Avacados 2 3-4" X 2" (2 in mold)
#1057 Embroidery Hoop 4 1-2" X9" Oval
#1062 Small Fruit - Peaches 1 3-4" (3 in mold)