Call 479-750-3344 with your payment information to complete your order. Now taking orders for the Midwest Ceramic Show in 2025
#1140 Tree Scene - Santa Elves & Cat Only 2" Tall
#1502 Light-Up Mrs Santa 8"
#1503 Light-Up Mr Santa 8"
#1532 3 Ornaments - Mr & Mrs Santa & Wreath Ornaments 3" each
#1605 Carousel - Santa in Sleigh to #1581 2 1-2"
#1687 Bag Ornaments(Reindeer-Tree-Santa in Chimney) 2" each
#1688 Bag Ornaments(Santa Face-Candy Cane-Tag) 2" each
#1731 Santa with Candle 16"
#1752 Sierra Hobby Mold (All But Base) (Approx 5" each)
#1753 Sierra Hobby Mold Base
#1759 Miniatures - Santa,Cherub,Nativity 1" each
#1824 Stick Santas 9" each
#1825 Stick Santas 9" each
#1826 Stack of Santa & 2 Reindeer (Small) 9"
#1827&1828 Christmas Hobby Mold Complete
#1830 Mr & Mrs Claus 9"
#1893 Row of Santa & 2 Reindeer (Large) 11"
#1895 Stack - Santa & 2 Reindeer (Large) 11"
#1896 Stack - Santa with 3 Elves 9"
#1900 Santa Golfer 8 1-2"
#1901 Santa Fisherman 8 1-2"
#1902 Stack of Santas 9 1-2"
#1920 Baseball Santa 9"
#1938 Old Salt (Santa ) 8 3-4"