Call 479-750-3344 with your payment information to complete your order. Now taking orders for the Florida and Georgia Shows in 2025
#1054 Trick Or Treat Bag 3 1-2"
#1358 Ghost with Pumpkin Candy Box (Complete)
#1358B Mold Part - Bottom Only
#1507 Light-Up Witch 8"
#1508 Light-Up Ghost with Pumpkin 8"
#1509 Light-Up Trick Or Treators 8"
#1514 Light-Up Haunted House 8"
#1515 Light-Up Tombstone 8"
#1573 Halloween Bears Devil-Ballerina-Frankenstein 3"
#1575 Halloween Bears Ghost-Clown-Skeleton 3"
#1576 Halloween Bears Base (2 in mold) 3 1-2" each
#1578 Halloween Magnets (6 in mold) 1 1-4"
#1600 Halloween Bags (3 in mold) 2 1-4" each
#1668 Pumpkins with Faces (3 in mold) 1 1-4" each
#1669 Pumpkins with Faces (3 in mold) 2"
#1670 Halloween Scene - Scarecrow 5 1-2" X 3 1-2"
#1671 Halloween Scene - Witch in Rocker 5 1-2"
#1672 Halloween Scene - Ghost Top & Bottom 5 1-2" X 5"
#1675 Halloween Scene - Corn, 3 Bats & Broken Boards 1" to 3"
#1676 Halloween Magnets - Wide Pumpkin, Tall Pump, Etc 2" to 3"
#1678 Halloween Magnets -Ghost in Bag, Scarecrow Head, Etc
#1745 Bags with Pumpkin Faces (3 in mold) 2 1-2" each
#1746 Pumpkins with Faces (Large) Winking 4 3-4"
#1747 Pumpkins with Faces (Large) Pointed Top 5 1-4"